Thursday, January 9, 2014

Punctuation. Who Needs It?

I believe it was the first day of the term that the class had some debate over where to place certain punctuations in a poem that we had written on the board.  Throughout this debate I could not help but think that it does not really matter where a comma or period is placed.  I believe that the lack of punctuation allows the reader to have more play with the words and sentences in a work; especially, when it comes to poetry.  It allows the opportunity for the reader to have multiple interpretations of a work.  With punctuation the reader can only read that work in way and what fun is that? An Example is the following:
 There is obviously two meanings to the circled portion of the cover; however, if the "correct" punctuation was used there would only be one reading of it.  I believe that the lack of punctuation in creative writing, especially poetry, adds humor and more excitement to the reading.

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